As per Andhra Box Office, it is now the seventh biggest South Indian opener after "Bahubali," "Sardar Gabbar Singh," "Lingaa," "I," "Srimanthudu" and "Endhiran." The underlining part of its success story is that the Vijay-starrer was released only in Tamil, while most of the aforementioned films were released in multiple languages. Hence, the collections of those flicks were higher than "Theri."
"Theri" has earned Rs 13.1 crore in Tamil Nadu and has become the second bigger opener in the state after "Vedalam," which collected Rs 15.1 crore on the release day. But the Vijay-starrer was not released in majority of the theatres in Chengalpet region after the deadlock between the producer and exhibitors over profit-sharing failed to find an amicable solution.
The traders predict that "Theri" would have lost over Rs. 3 to 5 crore from the Chengalpet region. "If released in Chengalpet region, Vijay's film would have broken 'Vedalam' record in TN," trade analyst Shankar Ganesh wrote on Twitter.
"Theri" has done wonderful business in the U.S. where it has reached the $500K-mark. From the Wednesday premiere shows and regular Thursday shows, it minted over $389,000.