Hodgson had been due to name his squad on Thursday for the tournament in France, with the final round of domestic league fixtures due to take place on Sunday. England have warmup games against Turkey, Australia and Portugal before playing Russia, Wales and Slovakia in the group stages of Euro 2016 which starts on June 10. There are doubts surrounding the fitness of Liverpool captain Jordan Henderson, who suffered a knee injury last month, and Arsenal’s Jack Wilshere who has just returned after 10 months out with a broken leg.
Neth entertainment 2016 05 11 ASHOKA HANDAGAMA - gossip vilanguwa - neth fm vilanguwa
Hodgson had been due to name his squad on Thursday for the tournament in France, with the final round of domestic league fixtures due to take place on Sunday. England have warmup games against Turkey, Australia and Portugal before playing Russia, Wales and Slovakia in the group stages of Euro 2016 which starts on June 10. There are doubts surrounding the fitness of Liverpool captain Jordan Henderson, who suffered a knee injury last month, and Arsenal’s Jack Wilshere who has just returned after 10 months out with a broken leg.